You enter the words "freedom", "God" and "Reagan" into it, and it spits out a 25-minute acceptance speech suitable for caucus or primary-state victory celebrations.
Anybody try to steal this idea, and my patent lawyers will be on you faster than you can spit.
Does it come complete with sweater vest?
Good build, Patrick. GOOD BUILD.
Thanks. Please send a 104-B form to Uncle Julio's Corporate for my "good build" commendation.
It'll go in my permanent record.
I have Obama app. It promises to stop all Middle Eastern interventions, then it topples governments right and left and uses drones to kill thousands. It promises to reduce spending then raises it by $5 trillion in just three years. It promises to reduce unemployment, but it instead manufactures unemployment, so much people stop looking for work. The Obama app allows it's buddies to steal billions of dollars at MF Global from farmers and ranchers with no prosecution. The Obama app allows young urban doofuses to feel cool while hating the Constitution and destroying America. The Obama app is FREE, excelpt you lose your freedom.
I think you could charge at least 99 cents for that.
No charge. Paid for by the government.
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