Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Leo Burnett and the Army

I worked on the Army account at Burnett for a year, late in its tenure. That they sued Burnett didn’t surprise me; I walked into the worst agency/client relationship I’d ever seen. It was poisonous, shockingly so. But I loved working on it. How many times in your career do you get to write about a product that actually means something? Uniformed generals reviewed your work. They shouted ‘hooah!’ on the rare occasions when they agreed with the agency. There was something at stake. It was a memorable and inspiring experience.

As for the lawsuit, it’s another shovel of dirt on the coffin of a once-great agency. And inside, poor Leo spins.

Here's an ad I did for the Army.

1 comment:

Brian Belefant, DGA said...

Hi Gary.

Nice spot. In fact, probably the best Army spot I've ever seen. This from a guy who, when he got hired at BBDO, told his new boss that he'd work on cigarettes, but wouldn't cross the ethical line required of him to work on the Navy.
